The Ketogenic Diet promotes an eating pattern that is very low in carbohydrate, high in fat and moderate in protein.

The aim of the ketogenic diet is to change the body’s preferred energy source from glucose (derived from carbohydrates) to fat. When fat is metabolised for energy, ketones are formed. This process is known as ketosis. Ketosis can occur if there is a severe reduction in energy (starvation) or when carbohydrate intake is reduced to 50g per day or less.

A ketogenic diet involves reducing the intake of carbohydrate containing foods such as dairy, grains and cereals such as rice, pasta and bread, legumes, fruit and starchy vegetables (sweet potato, potato, peas and corn, just to name a few) and increasing the intake of fat and protein containing foods.

This results in greater fat burning and relatively rapid weight loss when compared to traditional dietary approaches. Something that is particularly beneficial for individuals with elevated blood glucose levels, fatty liver disease and those who have a significant amount of weight to lose. People following a ketogenic diet often report to having a reduced appetite and increased satiety (feeling of fullness) both factors which assist in promoting weight loss.

Since the maximum amount of carbohydrate allowed on the ketogenic diet is only 50g, this strict restriction of carbohydrates may lead to an inadequate consumption of fibre, therefore caution must be taken to prevent constipation and poor gut health through appropriate supplementation and focusing on the types of vegetables consumed.

The Ketogenic diet is used in a strict clinical setting to help aleve the symptoms of epilepsy in children. It has also been shown to improve blood glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes, and help with clearing the liver of fat (a condition known as fatty liver disease).

It is also often used for pre surgery bariatric patients to help them lose weight prior to surgery, reducing the risks associated with surgery. This weight loss is often achieved through ketosis, which is achieved using meal replacements shakes such as our Formulite shakes, which are nutritionally complete to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral consumption along with fibre!

To purchase Formulite® VLED go to:  www.formulite.com.au