Embrace The Bounty of Australian Winter: Seasonal Fruit & Vege

When it comes to fresh produce, nothing beats enjoying fruits and vegetables that are in season. You may associate winter with a limited variety of produce, but here in Australia there is an abundance of deliciousness on offer that also work to keep you healthy during the colder months. Let’s explore the delightful fruit and vegetables on offer right now so you can make the most of these seasonal gems.



Crispy, juicy and packed to the brim with nutrients, apples are a quintessential winter fruit. Australian orchards offer a wide range of apple varieties including Pink Lady, Granny Smith and Fuji. Whether you’re having them as a quick snack or transforming them into apple pie, they are an excellent choice for the colder months.


Winter is when citrus fruits really shine here in Oz. Bursting with tangy and refreshing flavours, oranges, lemons, limes and mandarins are readily available (check your neighbour’s backyard). Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, these fruits not only add a zing to your dishes but also provide a much-needed immunity boost during the flu season. Add them to fresh salads and dressings, marinades, or squeeze them into your morning cup of tea.


Pears are absolutely perfect at this time of year – sweet, juicy and versatile. Aussie varieties like Packham, Corella and Williams pears offer a great addition to your winter menu. Enjoy them fresh, poached or add them into your favourite desserts; they also ‘pear’ perfectly with cheeses like blue and brie.

Cruciferous Vegetables

You may not be familiar with the word ‘cruciferous’, but you definitely know the stars of this category: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts. These veggies are rich in nutrients including several carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin); Vitamins C, E & K, folate and fibre. Roast these to perfection, use them as a base for soup or add them into casseroles and stews.

Leafy Greens

You might thing that winter would be challenging for leafy greens, but certain varieties flourish during this season. Spinach, kale, chard and rocket offer a dose of freshness. Add them to your winter salads, stir-fries or a hearty soup for a major nutrition boost.


Embracing our seasonal winter fruits and vegetables not only allows you to enjoy their maximum flavours and nutritional benefits, but also supports our farms and promotes sustainability. From apples and citrus fruits to pears, cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables and leafy greens, this season offers a diverse range of fresh produce to elevate your cooking.